Supreme Merino Exhibit, Walcha Show, NSW
Group of 5 Merinos, Walcha Show, NSW
Supreme Merino Exhibit, Armidale Show, NSW
Group of 5 Merinos, Armidale Show, NSW
Supreme Merino Ewe, Sydney Royal Easter Show, NSW
(this is the fourth time Nerstane has received this award)
Winner of the Stonehaven Cup for Best Exhibit of 5 Merinos (3 rams and 2 ewes), Sydney Royal Easter Show, NSW

Jock, John, and Hamish McLaren, Shane Rule, And Craig Trickey holding the winning Stonehaven Cup team of 2015
Tom Culley Award for Supreme Junior Merino, Sydney Royal Easter Show, NSW
Grand Champion Medium Wool Ewe, Sydney Royal Easter Show, NSW
Champion Pair of Merinos, August shorn (to represent NSW at Bendigo), Sydney Royal Easter Show, NSW
Champion Pair of Merinos, March shorn, Sydney Royal Easter Show, NSW
Reserve Champion Fine Medium Wool March shorn Ram, Sydney Royal Easter Show, NSW
Reserve Champion Fine Medium Wool August shorn Poll Ewe,Sydney Royal Easter Show, NSW
Reserve Champion Fine Wool Ram, Bendigo Australian Sheep and Wool Show
Champion Fine Medium Wool Poll Ewe, Bendigo Australian Sheep and Wool Show