HAMISH MCLAREN 0429 772 778 OR JOCK MCLAREN 0429 775 891
JOHN MCLAREN 0429 775 922
Nerstane Merino Stud WOOLBROOK NSW 2354
Directions From Tamworth (from the South)
Directions From Armidale (from the North)
Directions From Walcha (from the East)

Nerstane’s Main Entrance
Hamish McLaren M: 0429 772 778
P: 02 677 5881
F: 02 6777 5922
Jock and Carley McLaren M: 0429 775 891
P: 02 6777 5891
F: 02 6777 5994
Nerstane Main Office P: 02 6777 5881 F: 02 6777 5992
John and Jane McLaren M: 0429 775 922
P: 02 6777 2778
F: 02 6777 2773